Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 10th Weekly 3

Alright, here goes our first Weekly 3!  I have been on quite a black metal kick recently (I usually am ALWAYS on a black metal kick) so the first three albums are pretty close to what I review for the blog, check them out:

Wolves in the Throne Room – Celestial Lineage

Celestial Lineage was the album that got me into Wolves in the Throne Room and recently, it has been an album that I constantly find in my CD player.  I love their album Two Hunters as much as the next guy and some may agree that Two Hunters is their best album, but there is something about the Celestial Lineage album that strikes me as the perfect blend of atmosphere and kickass black metal.  They really blended together their ambient music, which at that point sounded more like an experiment, with their already unique sounding approach to black metal very well and it creates the perfect atmosphere.  There is still so much power within the music, yet it is so calming and relaxing.  If you haven’t listened to this album yet, you definitely need to!!

Cisfinitum – Tactio

Cisfinitum is a dark ambient project based out of Russia.  While I don’t usually review strictly dark ambient releases for this blog (which might be changing in the near future) I do enjoy quite a bit of the genre’s music.  Cisfinitum was one of the first projects I really started listening to because of the unique nature in which he creates his music with and Tactio is the perfect example.  It is the only physical Cisfinitum album I have in my collection and it is just gorgeous.  It was recorded in a cathedral in Bremen (yes, it was recorded live) and it embraces the use of a lot of “non-musical” instruments which is unique for this style of music.  It is a very nice album to sleep to because it is so calm and relaxing. 

Goatwhore – Constricting Rage of the Merciless

Goatwhore has always held a special place in my heart due to their Haunting Curse album.  I recently caught them live on their run with Behemoth in the states and they turned me on to their new album that was coming out.  When it came out a month or so ago, I picked it up and it instantly became one of my favorite albums by them.  The crazy, sometimes unorthodox drumming is still there and the intensity of the music is still there, but they changed up the way the songs sound a bit now.  As many reviews have said, they added a bit of Motorhead-sounding riffs into their music and I agree with that completely.  The older, heavy metal styled riffs really fit with the feel of Goatwhore’s music. 

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