Hello all,
For a while now, I have considered returning to Temple of Darkness at my leisure to write about recent album purchases and general rambling about music in general and I am proud to say I think it is going to happen! I have many thoughts about new and old albums that I like discussing and since the death of Into the Night Records, which I did run, it would be nice to re connect with the underground scene and be able to talk about different things that are happening within metal.
Reviews will happen eventually or when I have time to digest a release enough to actually give it a fair review. They will mostly be based on albums I notice that are coming out, whether they be underground albums or more of a 'mainstream' release, for lack of a better term. Submissions are welcome and I will try my best to get back to all inquiries, whether they be email or Facebook messages but its difficult while trying to balance all other things in life.
Interviews are a possibility, get in touch if you are interested in an interview for you band. I would also be interested in interviewing the owners of labels or anyone else who has an impact on the underground scene.
I thank everyone who actually reads these random things I write up and hope that you enjoy whats to come!
Until next post,